In the battle for virtual reality supremacy, Apple delivered a late, but devastating, punch to its rivals, particularly Facebook parent, earlier in June. Apple revealed the Vision Pro at its WWDC developer conference, an augmented-reality headset that will retail for a whopping $3,499 next year.
The Quest 2 virtual reality headset from Meta is presently available for $299.99; the Quest 3 will be available this fall for $499.99. With the release of the Quest 3 imminent, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed a new gaming subscription service for the headgear.
The Quest Plus subscription service will cost $7.99 per month or $59.99 per year. Subscribers would get “two titles every month,” Zuckerberg said in a post on his Instagram broadcast channel, putting Meta on par with other gaming subscriptions.
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At $9.99 per month, Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass gives players access to a large library of games as well as exclusive member-only bonuses and deals. Microsoft also provides Game Pass Ultimate for $14.99 a month.
PlayStation, too, provides a variety of gaming subscriptions; PlayStation Plus, which costs $9.99 per month or $59.99 annually, grants customers access to free monthly titles as well as online multiplayer gaming. The next tier up, PlayStation Plus Extra, costs $14.99 per month or $99.99 per year and provides customers with access to a large catalog of titles.
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According to Zuckerberg, the Quest Plus subscription service will be available to Quest 2 and Quest Pro subscribers on Monday.