3 Signs of Addiction to Stress You Should Know

Signs of addiction to Stress
Photo: Pixabay

What if are addicted to stress? So you have to know the most important 3 signs of addiction to stress, if you want to resolve this issue. As great as worry is, you can get used to it. We know it sounds crazy, but maybe you like being stressed out all the time. Even though there is no official word for this, people who are addicted to worry may call themselves “stressaholics” in the confusing world of the Internet.

Like most things, there is a science explanation for it. When you’re worried, your brain releases the stress hormone cortisol as well as a small amount of the chemical dopamine, which makes you feel good.

In an Insider post, neuroscientist and drug expert Jim Pfaus explains how it works. Pfaus says that worry can give your body a “natural high” by making your peripheral nervous system’s arousal and attention centers work. If this goes on for a long time, it can get “as addictive as drugs.” Debbie Sorensen, a psychologist who went to Harvard, told CNBC that a brain that is constantly stressed can become dependent on these small amounts of dopamine because they make the brain feel good.

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Trying to make ourselves busy is almost like giving ourselves a shot of worry. Sorensen says that we tend to do it to avoid being bored, sad, lonely, or having other bad feelings. And it happens a lot more than you might think. But being addicted to worry can cause a number of long-term health problems, from high blood pressure and heart problems to irritable bowel syndrome.

Sorenson gives you a list of ways to tell if you’re hooked to stress and how to stop it if you are.

Here is the 3 signs of addiction to stress for you 

1. Rest and relaxation make you feel guilty

Overwork is often praised in today’s work culture. People think that stress is a sign of success if you work in a fast-paced workplace and have to put in long hours of continuous work or work on the weekends.

“Our society is so focused on getting things done that stress has become a badge of honor. Sorensen told CNBC that being busy all the time is good for the ego because we have come to think of action as a sign of success. She says that this is one of the main reasons why people become dependent on worry.

If you are always busy with work and feel guilty when you take time off or on the weekends, you are probably a stress eater.

2. Your phone is your best friend

Everyone from the Baby Boomers to Generation Z starts and ends the night with their phone in their hands. But if you’re always checking your phone, not for the 100 different kinds of Instagram reels and Twitter threads, but for important work-related emails, calls, and messages, you’re probably getting your dopamine fix. from always being (or thinking about being) stressed.

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3. Trying to do more activities than you can handle

There are people who try to make everyone happy, and then there’s you. You already know you can’t take on any more, but you can’t say no to one more job or term. Sorensen says that the clearest sign of being hooked to stress is putting yourself in stressful situations over and over again, even when you know you shouldn’t, or when your mind and body beg you to say no.

How can we get out of this loop? Most likely, there isn’t an official support group for this kind of problem. But Sorensen says that exercise and meditation are more likely to be elixirs because they both increase dopamine and endorphin levels in the brain, which is a healthy way to get your fill of happy chemicals.

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The other way is to figure out what “bad stressors” you have in your life. These are things that keep you up at night, make you lose your appetite, give you worry, or cause other problems. Once you can tell these things apart from the rest, you can work to get rid of or lessen their effect on your daily life.