Talk To Me: A Deep Dive into the Horror Phenomenon

Talk To Me Brutal Horror Movie

Talk To Me is the movie of the moment; it didn’t get as much promotion as Barbie or Oppenheimer, but it beats both movies in reviews thanks to a bloody and brutal horror story, which puts a twist on the typical ghost story.

The A24 film was directed by Danny and Michael Philippou (made famous by their YouTube horror channel) and is made in such a way that it starts playing with your mind right from the start and leaves you restless with sounds, images, and completely terrifying situations.

This is an indie film that proves that while having a huge budget helps, you don’t really need to have a big studio or all the Hollywood machinery behind it to create a great, impactful story that finds a way to surprise and connect with people. the public at the same time.

Here, everything begins with the mysterious petrified hand of a dead medium, which gets the protagonists of the story into much bigger trouble than they imagined.

The Terror of A24

A24 is a guarantee when it comes to horror; it is the studio that has given us great horror stories like Midsommar, Hereditary, The Witch, and Pearl (the film with Mia Goth that surprised Martin Scorsese and is part of a violent trilogy), and each new movie proves that this is what the studio does best.

These horror movies are brutal and sometimes gory, but they are also very psychological and connect terror with real human problems, such as death, loss, superstitions, and even religious fanaticism, and that is reported in Talk To Me, which addresses the formula of the study in its own way.

A Different Story

The film plays with elements of viral dares and the dangerous things teenagers do in search of adventure and to make a mark. Here, we will follow a group of friends who are preparing to carry out a kind of séance, where they use the hand of a supposedly dead medium to make contact with the other side and try to communicate with ghosts.

Soon, they get addicted to it and look for ways to push it to the limit, but there are rules that they must not cross if they want to avoid trouble, and when these are broken, the consequences are devastating and brutal.

They know what the risks are, but they go ahead with the ritual, which eventually goes awry, and they must deal with violence, blood, and chaos. Contacting the other side can leave people in a strange, incoherent, and very dangerous state, and that’s just the beginning. And since everyone’s goal is to surprise (or at least not be the fearful ones who didn’t dare), everything inevitably turns dark and twisted.

The Talk To Me rating on Rotten Tomatoes

The film was very successful upon its arrival at the Sundance Festival, which was where it was bought by A24.

Sophie Wilde and Joe Bird are the main characters in this story, giving extraordinary performances and being full of humanity. You can see that what moves them to be part of the challenge is the need to belong, to have connections, and to feel alive.

On the other hand, the film has a 95% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which is not just about the performances but about the fact that the story is interesting, brutal, and grabs you from the first moment with a scene that points out that you will not be the same after watching this movie.