When will “Thor: Love and Thunder” be available on Disney+?

When will Thor Love and Thunder be available on Disney+
Photo: Collected

When will Thor: Love and Thunder be available to stream, and why won’t Disney tell us when?

This is the question that’s on the minds of Marvel fans right now since it’s been well over a month since the new Thor movie hit theatres. Disney, on the other hand, hasn’t announced a date yet.

So, when can we expect to see Love and Thunder on Disney+? Is there any way to guess the date based on when other movies came out?

Well, no, is the short answer. Not for sure, at least. We can’t be sure, but based on recent Marvel movies, we can at least make a good guess.

For example, the movie Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness came out in theatres on May 5, 2022. Then, on June 22, it was added to Disney+. That’s just under seven weeks between them (48 days, to be exact).

Another big hit from Disney, Buzz Lightyear, came out on June 17. It came out on Disney+ on August 3, which is 47 days later. See how it works?

So, if Disney does something similar with Thor: Love and Thunder, we should hopefully see it on the streaming platform before the end of August. The movie came out in theatres on July 8, so seven weeks from then would be August 26. Based on how Disney’s other movies have come out, an August 24 or 25 release date seems likely.
The catch is that this date is only a week away, and Disney+ hasn’t said anything about it yet. It might be too soon to get our hopes up until they do.

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